Friday, November 29, 2019

2010 Fifa World Cup Impacts free essay sample

Although a lot of studies were conducted to investigate South Africa’s ability to host this world event, it is not yet clear if South Africa will make a success out of this opportunity. Both negative and positive aspects concerning the impacts, possible challenges and recommendations are discussed in this assignment. The study of the negative and positive impacts on the country and the tourism industry, possible challenges and recommendations will create a clearer idea of what could be done to prevent any mishaps during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. . IMPACTS ON SOUTH AFRICA The 2010 FIFA World Cup will have both positive and negative affects on South Africa. It is important to identify all the possible impacts so that all required preparations can be made. 3. 1. Positive impacts The World Cup will definitely have a lot of positive impacts on South Africa and it is clear that the hosting of this big event will be beneficial for South Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on 2010 Fifa World Cup Impacts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to Urmilla Bob amp; Kamilla Swart (2009) the 2010 FIFA World Cup is a great opportunity for South Africans and has significant legacy benefits. After identifying the benefits it is important to focus on the management during the event to assure that everything goes according to plan so that the country has the best possible outcome. 3. 2. 1. Economy The most direct benefit for the country is the increase in income during and after the World Cup. The Minister of Tourism, Marthinus van Schalkwyk said it is estimated that the event will contribute R15. 6 billion by tourism and R50 billion from construction investment to the South African economy (Bester, 2009). The country’s economy will benefit due to the very big amount of tourists that will enter the country. The expenses the tourists will have during the World Cup (for example: accommodation, transport, food, supplies, entertainment and tourism services) will create a big economical boost for South Africa. South Africa’s future economy’s growth will depend on the success of the event. If the event is successful, tourists are satisfied and South Africa’s international image has improved, more foreigners will visit or invest in the country in the future and it will contribute to the growth of the country’s economy. Local economies will also grow during the World Cup, due to the big amount of tourists that will visit the areas. According to Bob amp; Swart’s (2009) study, the World Cup will create big developments and a major boosts for local businesses (increase in turnover) in the areas where stadiums are located. 3. 2. 2. Exposure After the Apartheid era South Africa’s international image was very negative and has not completely recovered yet. South Africa is also known as a high crime country, for poverty and a country where rates of unemployment are very high. The World Cup is a great opportunity to improve South Africa’s international image. It is believed that a successful World Cup will strengthen South Africa’s brand and that it would create an international public display of South Africa’s capabilities. The event will build the image and identity of South Africa worldwide, and will improve the country’s value as a business tourism destination (www. southafrica. net, 2008). If the World Cup improves South Africa’s international image future investments and visits will increase that will once again contribute to the economy. 3. 2. 3. Country development In preparation for the World Cup a lot of development has been made that would benefit South Africa after the World Cup. Chris Skinner (2009) observes that South Africa already made a lot of improvements and developments for the upcoming event, including constructions for the event, well developed technical infrastructure, dedicated media services, South Africa’s national broadcaster, physical infrastructure, accommodation of high calibre, exceptional tourism experiences, travel possibilities and a set of legacy projects that would be beneficial to the country as a whole (for example: â€Å"Win with Africa, in Africa†, â€Å"Silencing the Guns† campaign, â€Å"My Game is Fair Play† and â€Å"My 2010 School Adventure†). The development of infrastructure, supplies, entertainment and security is definitely beneficial for South Africa in general. The development of the country also creates more employment opportunities and will improve South African’s skills. 3. 2. 4. Inhabitants’ perceptions The World Cup will offer an opportunity for South Africans to connect with foreign visitors and create a positive perception of foreigners and tourists. It is important to observe and experience other cultures so that you can understand and respect other people. A lot of South Africans does not have the opportunity to travel overseas or to other countries and does not know any other countries or cultures except for the majority cultures within their own area and country. During the World Cup inhabitants will interact with different cultures and learn to understand and respect the differences of other people and it will hopefully decrease the chance of conflict and misunderstanding. If South Africans develop a positive perception of foreigners it will improve the general hospitality of people, which would attract tourists in the future and create a good image of the country and its people. The soccer World Cup is widely advertised and promoted. More and more people in South Africa are becoming aware of the event and the sport. The event influences the people and especially the youth’s perception of sport and it will eventually motivate people to participate in soccer and other sports. Some South Africans are negative towards the big event and believes it will fail and have a lot of negative impacts for the country. A few people of Bob amp; Swart’s (2009) study agreed with the statement that â€Å"too much public money will be spent on the 2010 event that could be spent on other activities†. Bob amp; Swart (2009) also states that residents in a close proximity are concerned about noise pollution, traffic congestion and parking difficulties, crime, and increases in the cost of living. Hopefully a successful World Cup will change people’s negative views towards big events. 3. 2. 5. International connections During the World Cup South Africans will also connect with foreigners on a more personal level and create good relationships and connections abroad. Good connections will contribute to future business opportunities and friendships will motivate foreigners to visit the country again in the future. . 2. 6. Inhabitants’ experience The FIFA World Cup is a once in a life time and very exciting experience for South Africans. The hosting of the event will provide an opportunity for inhabitants to watch matches live. Employment of local people, opportunities for businesses and participating in planning and decision-making will develop South African’s skills that will be beneficial for the future. The event also creates an opportunity for South Africa to work together and it also unites the people of South Africa. 3. 2. Negative impacts The World Cup will definitely have negative impacts on South Africa and it is important to focus on ways to get the best possible outcome. If South Africa fails to successfully host the world cup, it can drastically influence the country. 3. 3. 7. Negative publicity The worst negative impact that the World Cup can have on South Africa is an unsuccessful event with a lot of failures that increases the international negative image of South Africa. The whole world will observe South Africa during the World Cup, because the international media will focus on South Africa and any mishaps that might take place. If the international image of the country is made worse by the failure of hosting the World Cup, a lot less people will visit the country, a lot of expenses that have been made for the event in hope for more tourists will be wasted and another opportunity to host a big world event will be rare. If tourists have bad experiences during the World Cup (for example with: crime, conflict, lacks and the tourism industry) they will not come back to visit the country, and when they get back to their own countries they will also inform other people about their bad experiences and South Africa would become an unpopular tourist destination. After the Apartheid era not all South Africans have accepted the changes and some people are still struggling to forgive and to forget the past. There are still some cases of racism within the country, and it would create a very bad impression if any of the tourists get the feeling that South Africa is still a racist or pro-apartheid country. According to Skinner (2009) South Africa needs to focus on its culture of Ubuntu like Germany’s friendly visitor’s campaign to win the hearts of international visitors and in order to be successful. Skinner (2009) also claims that South Africa needs to change its image from poverty-stricken and unstable to one that is stable, flourishing and proactive. South Africa must not just try to change tourist’s perceptions of the country, but the country also needs to change negative aspects in general to assure the increase of foreign visitors in the future. 3. 3. 8. Environment The amount of tourists that will enter the country during the World Cup and the possible increase of people in general after the World Cup will definitely have bad impacts on the environment. The amount of people will increase pollution within the country and the development of the country for the expected amount of people also contributes to the increase of soil-, water- and air- pollution. Detwyler (1971) claims that more people mean more environmental problems. The country’s fauna and flora will also be influenced by the big amount of tourists that is expected during the event. Some tourists might be interested in activities during their stay that gives them the opportunity to come in direct contact and to cause damage to plants and animals (for example: hunting, hiking, diving and illegal activities). The big amount of people entering the country can also lead to the exploiting of natural resources. Another negative aspect of increased production will be the intensification of land use (Meyer, 1996). South Africa needs to focus on the sustainability of natural resources and during the World Cup tourists should be encouraged to contribute in protecting and sustaining within the country. 3. 3. 9. Impact on inhabitants The expected amount of tourists can have a very negative impact on local inhabitants. Residents near the stadiums may experience some inconveniences, such as noise pollution, traffic congestion and parking difficulties, crime, and increases in the cost of living Bob amp; Swart (2009). Mass tourism can influence the local people’s attitudes towards tourists. When South Africans get a bad attitude towards the big amount of tourists that are invading their space, it can cause conflict and tourists that feel unwelcome. If tourists feel unwelcome they will not visit the country again and the word will spread that South Africa is a tourist unfriendly destination. 3. 3. 10. Impacts of tourists When a tourist tours to another destination they tend to do things they will not do in their own country or area. A lot of soccer fans that will visit South Africa will be young people that will also concentrate on social activities. If some of the tourists do not respect the country’s laws, they will cause damage within the areas they are located or where they attend illegal activities. Activities such as using drugs, prostitution, drinking in public areas, excessive drinking, drunk driving, fighting, deconstruction of property, raping, murder and other forms of crime might take place. Therefore it is necessary for South Africa’s security and police services to control not just the local people’s illegal activities but also the big amounts of tourists. 3. IMPACTS ON THE TOURISM INDUSTRY Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk said: â€Å"A record 10-million tourists are expected to pass through South Africas ports of entry in 2010 – 500  000 more than the 9. 5-million who visited the country in 2008† (www. southafrica. net, 2010). Kavli (2009) comments that the big amount of tourists expected will assure that the country’s tourism industry gets invaluable attention in the world media. Kavli (2009) also questions if South Africa will be able to successfully host this event and if it is possible to promote the country as a family friendly, safe and responsible travel destination. The tourism industry is also very responsible for the success of the tournament. If South Africa fails to accommodate the big number of tourists and if tourists are unhappy with their experiences in South Africa the country’s image will be damaged and people will not visit the country in the future. The FIFA World Cup will have huge impacts on the South African tourism industry and it is important to minimize the negative aspects and impacts to assure a bigger future tourism market. 4. 3. Positive impacts A lot of positive impacts are expected for South Africa’s tourism industry. Skinner (2009) states that on account of the World Cup a long term benefit is that South Africa can expect between 130 000 and 290 000 more foreign visits a year. A successful World Cup will assure growth of the industry, further developments, more employment opportunities and an even bigger future market. The more foreign tourists visit the country the more the tourism industry will contribute to the South African economy, future market and good international image. 4. 4. Negative impacts The World Cup will have negative impacts on the tourism industry, but it is up to all South Africans in the tourism industry to recognize all possible negative impacts and try to prevent them with good planning and management. Watt (2000) believes that problems will always arise during big events and it will only take a positive, innovative thinker to face these difficulties and find solutions. Mass tourism can lead to deconstruction of property, negative impacts on the environment, a negative attitude towards tourists and future discouragement to get involved in the tourism industry. An unsuccessful event will reduce the future amount of tourists and the country’s tourism industry will become less popular due to the bad international image that will be created. The tourism industry has majorly developed in preparation for the World Cup and the expected increase of tourists in the future. A lot of tourist businesses will not have a market and bankruptcy may occur after the World Cup if the event causes a decrease of tourists in the future. 4. POSSIBLE CHALLENGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS There are a lot of challenges South Africa is facing in preparation of the World Cup and a lot of challenges the country will face during the event. It is important to make recommendations to prevent any mishaps the country might face during the event. Skinner (2009) claims that a well managed FIFA World Cup will assure a successful event that is in the best interest of the country. . 5. Crime According to Horn amp; Breetzke (2009) the FIFA World Cup will create an increase of crime and certain crime incidents will spoil what is expected to be a world-class sporting spectacle. South Africa will also be known for a high crime destination and tourists will be discouraged to visit the country after the event. Different crimes that might take place includes terrorism, rape, assault, theft, xeno phobic crimes, hijacking, drunk driving, animal abuse, environmental crime, fraud, match fixing, homicide, kidnapping, red light running and speeding. Bird amp; Donaldson (2009) writes that at any major event where large numbers of people are involved there will be a spectacular increase in the demand for sexual services. The present South African law considers sex work a crime, and it has been debated whether or not sex work should be made legal in the country as a solution to the expected illegal acts of prostitution during the World Cup. According to Bird amp; Donaldson (2009) it would be very difficult to legalize the sex work industry and slackening laws during the 2010 event would have negative long-term consequences and the undermining of police authority. A crime strategy should be proposed to reduce the chance of high crime incidences during the World Cup. Horn amp; Breetzke (2009) insists that a crime strategy should be developed that improves social development, facilities development, law and enforcement, criminal justice and correctional rehabilitation through integrated government. South Africa’s security and police services must focus on high crime areas during the event to prevent crimes. Another possible solution is to inform as many possible South Africans and possible criminals how important it is for South Africa in the long run if a minimum crime are committed during the World Cup. 5. 6. Conflict Mass tourism can lead to conflict amongst foreigner visitors and local inhabitants. To prevent conflict or negative attitudes towards each other it is important to plan and manage the people and the event so that people don’t get in each other’s ways or invade local inhabitant’s personal space. 5. 7. Barriers The tourists that will visit the country will come from different backgrounds and will most probably speak languages that most South Africans do not understand. This will create a communication barrier between foreigner visitors and local people. To prevent the misunderstanding between people a possible solution would be to try to speak as much English the people possibly can, because English is the international language. It is also important to provide as many maps, information bureaus and signs to prevent the confusion of tourists. 5. 8. Lacks The lack of transport, accommodation, water and electricity, entertainment, food, supplies and tourism facilities will definitely create discomfort and disappointment to the people who attend the event. Skinner (2009) states that the government is addressing concerns about electricity supply, accessible and safe public transportation systems and that these concerns are being given top priority. As many possible developments should be made to prevent any lacks during the World Cup. According to Market research three out of every four people believe that by the time the event starts on 11 June 2010 South Africa will be ready (www. fifa. om, 2009). 5. CONCLUSION This study of the negative and positive impacts on the country and the tourism industry, possible challenges and recommendations will creates a clearer idea of what could be done to prevent any mishaps during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Skinner (2009) believes that the 2010 FIFA World Cup provides an opportunity to start to make a positive difference in South Africa. The will to successfully host the World Cup should be all South Africans’ first priority. The real benefit from a successful World Cup will be how it builds the image of the country worldwide, and its value as a business tourism destination (www. outhafrica. net, 2008). Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Minister of Tourism also said: â€Å"The World Cup affords us an once-in-a-lifetime chance to showcase the best we have as a tourism destination, namely our people, our natural heritage, our world class infrastructure and a sense of place that fills all of us with pride. † (Betser, 2009). The FIFA World Cup holds a lot of advantages for South Africa and with good planning and management it is believed that the country can successfully host the World Cup. REFERENCE LIST Bester, R. , 2009. Media statement by the office of Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Minister of Tourism [Online] Available at: http://www. info. gov. za/speeches/ 2009/0907 1516451001. htm [Accessed 1 March 2010]. Bird, R. amp; Donaldson R. , 2009. â€Å"Sex, sun, soccer†: stakeholder-opinions on the sex industry in Cape Town in anticipation of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Urban Forum, 20 (1), pp. 33-46. Bob, U. amp; Swart, K. , 2009. Resident perceptions of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup stadia development in Cape Town. Urban Forum, 20 (1), pp. 19-32. Detwyler, T. R. , 1971. Man’s impact on environment. United States of America: McGraw – Hill book company. Horn, A. amp; Breetzke, G. , 2009. Informing a crime strategy for the FIFA 2010 World Cup: a case study for the Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Tshwane, South Africa. Urban Forum, 20 (1), pp. 19-32. www. southafrica. net, 2008. Business tourism and FIFA 2010 soccer World Cup [Online] Available at: http://www1. southafrica. net/Cultures/enUS/bt. south africa. net/News+and+events/News/Lateral+Thinking+Business+Tourism+and+the+2010+Soccer+World+Cup. htm# [Accessed 1 March 2010]. www. southafrica. net, 2010. Tourist arrivals expected to top 10m [Online]

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Chains of Slavery essays

The Chains of Slavery essays Slavery... a societal institution based on ownership, dominance and exploitation of one human being by another. The owners may exact work or other services without payment and can deny the slaves freedom in activity and mobility. Therefore, they are regarded as an article of property and can be sold or given away. Slavery appears almost universally throughout the history: Slavery in the Ancient World, Slavery in the Middle Ages and Slavery in the New World. The most well-known slavery case in the New World is the case of the Blacks or the Africans (now the Afro-Americans) which is vividly portrayed in the film La Amistad. Slavery is a curse which can be compared into chains; Chains that forcefully hold and limit the freedom of the Africans to grow as individuals; choose what they have to do and what they want, and claim for their own rights. It is very disgusting seeing white men enslaved the Africans in their own land. For an instance, they will command the Africans to serve and work for them without having any privileges and if they do not follow their whims and caprices, they will be tortured or killed. The white men are not even satisfied, so, they trade and sell (in order for them to earn a lot of money) healthy Africans to other countries in Europe and America to be a worker or slave. Slave Market then happens. It is explicitly shown in the film that they have Big Slave Fortress where they keep all the captured Africans then brought into the ships for delivery. In addition, it is also sad and very disappointing knowing and seeing that some Africans are helping the whites to capture and ensla ve other Africans like what happened to Cinque who is seized on the road nabbed by four Black men who secured him by tying one hand to his neck and led him to a neighboring village. Then he is brought to a Slave Fortress then to the Tecora ( first slave ship) then to La Amistad (final slave ship). ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Visual Rock Music Stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Visual Rock Music Stars - Essay Example Above I provided some background information on the topic of rock and roll that will help me get closer to the topic that will be dealt with lower. The aim of my study is to examine the relationship between dress and ideology of visual rock music stars. This group was chosen as the visual nature of the group allows for a thorough analysis of the ways in which the beliefs of the group may affect their decisions relating to dress. In the frameowkr of my project, an interview was conducted with members of a rock music group in order to collect primary data on the topic. The interview is used in this study to ascertain the history of the group and the beliefs of the group. The interview was also used to obtain information about how the group's beliefs have changed over time. The information from the interview is presented here alongside with the relevant current literature to ascertain how the two are interlinked. The interview revealed several things, some of which were expected, but others which were surprising. The interview found that the band did not claim to hold any strong beliefs which related to politics or religion. The band members claimed that their ideology, focused more on having fun, and this was the image that they tried to portray. The band did acknowledge that there are many rock bands which do have strong ideologies. One such example, which they quoted was the British group the Sex Pistols, who were famous in the Punk Rock era of the 1980s. They were as famous for their strong beliefs in anarchy and hatred of the British political regimes as they were for their music. The interview also revealed that the rock group was heavily influenced by other counterpart rock groups. Though, not only other... This "Visual Rock Music Stars" essay outlines the history of rock’n’roll music and how it affects the fashion. There was a rock band specifically mentioned in the interview that was the Sex Pistols. This band is considered to be an iconic rock band on many levels. Their music was highly controversial and being produced and released independently. That state of things allowed the band a large degree of freedom that many other bands which having signed to corporate brands did not possess. The entire stance which was adopted by the group was â€Å"anti-establishment†. It is for this reason that the Sex Pistols selected their dress. They aimed to take the clothes which were seen as socially acceptable at that time and transform them into a dress code, which would be highly controversial. It was not only the clothes which the Sex pistols altered in an attempt to shock, moreover, they also adopted hairstyles such as the Mohican, died their hair dramatic colors, and dec orated their bodies with tattoos and piercings. Other rock bands at the time did not possess the same levels of freedom, and as a result, their images were far more controlled by the record label and have not been so distinct. Goshert (2000) suggests that although the majority of modern bands would not consider themselves to be ‘punk’ bands, they are still heavily influenced by the ideology of bands such as the Sex Pistols. For example when the photos of the band interviewed were inspected it would be possible to see some elements of ‘punk’ dress in their early photos.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A NPO MARKETING STRATEGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A NPO MARKETING STRATEGY - Essay Example Secondly, there is need to have computers. These form the core of the project; they are to be sourced from all individuals that would be willing to give their old computers. Computers are basically what will drive the project. In order to source for adequate number of computers, the organization shall target individuals, corporates, and other institutions. This will facilitate acquisition of as many computers as possible. The use of old computers helps solve two issues; one is the environmental pollution and the second is the fact that children in need will use the old computers constructively. As a result of getting old computers, there is the need to recycle them so that they are used constructively. The process of refurbishing old computers requires expertise, which will require a computer technician. The technician will deal with all the work that will have to be done on the computers. Another important service that will be required in relation to the computers is the transportation. Well-wishers will do this, in this case, proposals will be sent to companies and institutions to offer transportation services. Temporary storage services will be provided in a premise that we shall rent out. On the other hand, proposal writing and the accounting that is required shall be done by myself in consultation with the manager that shall be hired. Children have various needs that requires to be fulfilled. This provides a perfect opportunity for provision of the refurbished computers to take care of some of their the world, there are children who have never got an access to a computer. Exposing the poor and vulnerable people in the society to technology helps, them have a better view of themselves while helping them realize of the developments that are in place. It is apparent that there are places where access to the internet is news to them. Computers provide a great entertainment opportunity for children. A number of features and software in a computer can

Monday, November 18, 2019

International Business Law and its Environment Essay

International Business Law and its Environment - Essay Example These bribery fuelled projects have gained Siemens more than $1.1 billion in revenue (Schaffer, Earle and Augusti). In the period between March 2001 and September 2007, about $1.4 billion in about 4,283 payments were shelled out to bribe government officials in exchange for lucrative business deals in different countries which also include high-ranking Iraqi officials who got kickbacks at the expense of the UN. Millions of dollars were also spent to pay up third parties that implicated embezzlement. It was found that there is an atmosphere of tolerance and even the company’s cultural acceptance of the practice in all levels of the corporation. There has been a systematic implementation of this scheme that engaged the members of the organization (ibid). There was a failure by the internal safeguards of Siemens to clean up their business adequately in time prior to the case filed by the SEC to their disadvantage. The main issue encompasses the acts of the company in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) under the United States federal law which punishes bribery of foreign officials. This is in relation to the thrust of the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate businesses under its jurisdiction. Specifically, the provisions of Sections 30A, 13(b)(2)(A), and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act were violated (ibid). The court found in favour of the SEC and granted the highest settlement in this particular area where Siemens has offered $1.6 billion in payment for the fines and disgorgement provided under the law. Out of which, $350 million will go to the SEC in disgorgement, $450 million in criminal fine to the Department of Justice, about $569 million as fine to Germany’s Office of the Prosecutor General in Munich. This is apart from the approximately $285 million Siemens has already paid in 2007 to the Prosecutor previously mentioned (ibid). In the end, the SEC and the State together with the German government on this case through an amicable settlement by the plaintiff and defendant.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Impact Of Fashion

The Impact Of Fashion Fashion and Identity Long ago people started wanting to stand out from the crowd and tried be different from other people by means of changing their clothing. This was the moment when fashion first appeared. Currently, fashion is sometimes defined as a constantly changing trend. However, it is necessary to say that at present moment fashion has a deeper influence on the life of people and possess more than just trifling reasons for its existence. Fashion through clothing has become an integral part of self-realization of every person. People have been using clothing and accessories for many years to decorate the human body. From various parts of the world people present themselves in different ways and they may follow certain trends and make their own trends and trademarks. Fashion changes regularly with respect to time and location. For many centuries clothes gave out some message by those who wore it. Some trends were maintained in clothing in order to follow the cultural traditions. Fashion and style changed from each era. The major change occurred after the World War I; it shocked everyone by their own styles and morals. In the early days people used to wear clothes in such a way that the appearances of them give out the gender, age, economic class and sometimes their intentions. Fashion is a medium through which people communicate about their occupation, class and wealth. Apart from the dresses we wear there are other features for fashion like hairstyles, makeup and accessories like jewelry. People were more conserve and obligated in the past but it completely changed their life styles by cutting their hair, having tattoos and piercing their body. An important aspect of fashion is the relationship it maintains with the society, which has become more complex in the recent years. Whatever clothes we wear give out a statement to the world about us, which reveals some information about our status in the society. People were much influenced psychologically and physically by fashion and its trends. Fashion is an overlapping and interconnection of bodies which involves in promotion and production of dress and the actions performed by the individuals acting when they are dressed. Fashion clothing examines the connection between colonization and clothing material. People are spiritual and social beings, where their identity is affected by clothes in both realms. Modern tyrannies attacked the spiritual authorities of various cultures directly or indirectly by abandoning the traditional dress they need to wear and wear the clothes of modernity like party clothes of various communist moments and clothes worn by those riding the waves of fashion. Any discussion of clothing must also consider the implications of the style of clothing that is these days overwhelming all other forms of clothing: the modern Western attire. It almost abolished all distinctions among people, race or language, religion or culture or tradition.   Western dresses were developed with a certain conception of what it means to be human. Western dresses first emerged in Medieval Europe among the high classes, in a world still attached to a semblance of tradition, but, like other habits of the Western elite, it eventually became the habit of the masses, once it had become relatively affordable and readily available. There is one area where most of the part has not succumbed to the temptations of the Western mode of dress that is the clothing of women in traditional and Eastern societies. While men have almost completely abandoned their traditional dress and adopted the uniforms of the West, either of the conformist or consumerist type, women not only hold fast to their traditional clothing in their own societies, but that they choose to wear them in the progressive West, while their men are wearing suits, sneakers and jeans. Clothing does depict that a persons character can be changed or modified. It brings even honor and respect to the people. In Macbeth, the image of clothing is used to suggest that throughout the play, Macbeth tries to hide himself from his eyes and from others. Shakespeare wants to keep alive the ironical contrast between the wretched creature that Macbeth really is and the disguises he assumes to conceal that fact. Secondly, honors are thought of as garments to be worn; likewise, Macbeth is constantly represented symbolically as the wearer of robes for honor. Fashion is symbolism and all its attributes forms an outstanding base for cultural and personal identification. Identity is a necessary process of someones personality as it is a part of self-realization of a person that is required for finding a place in life. Now a days fashion is a tool for achieving harmony with the inner world and a way of revealing or concealing peculiarities. Fashion symbols are accepted as long as it does not hurt people around and when we think about fashion and identity it is necessary to remember the ethical side of the issue. Fashion and identity still remains a twofold issue which has lot of positive aspects one can enjoy and share with other people. Of course, there are many factors in the flight to and from tradition and fashion, and perhaps clothing seems a trivial matter with which to be concerned, for clothing does not fully make the identity of a person; as Dickens say in his ‘The Great Expectations. Food and shelter, is an important factor in life, the individual and the environment in which the individual lives helps to interacts with others. However, Fashion is not about utility. An accessory that is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity as stated by the famous Lauren Weisberger in her notable work The Devil Wears Prada. Finally to say, Fashion does impact the world largely by significantly depicting ones identity and character through clothing and other trends.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Non-Human Existence :: Analysis, Winston

Winston defines being human as having feelings, following sensory pleasures, and staying true to those two types of emotions because, â€Å"only feelings matter†(146). He also asserts that before the Party when people had individual relationships and â€Å"members of a family stood by one another† they were human (26). Winston’s deadened senses as well as his social disconnection, and the lack of import in his daily life after he leaves the Ministry of Love indicate that he has not achieved his goal of staying human. Winston is very desensitized after he leaves the Ministry of Love, making him inhuman. In the Chestnut Tree Cafà © Winston â€Å"took up his glass and sniffed it†(262). This action shows that he has lost the ability to be sensitive to smell. When Winston picks flowers for Julia, he notices â€Å"their faint sickly scent†, but when he sniffs his gin he doesn’t register any scent, he just â€Å"sniffed†(104, 262). Also Winston describes his gin as becoming â€Å"more horrible with every mouthful†(262). Although Winston registers and considers the taste of the gin, he doesn’t take pleasure in the taste, and doesn’t drink something he could enjoy more. One part of being human is following sensory pleasures and Winston is clearly not basing his meals or actions on pleasure. Also, Winston’s extreme social disconnection proves that he is no longer human. Winston reflects, â€Å"no one cared what he did any longer†(262). Before his time in the Ministry of Love, people surrounded Winston all day long. He was forced to wake, stretch and go to work. He ate, worked, and talked to others. But now, â€Å"no whistle woke him, no telescreen admonished him† so his life is completely without even these connections. For example, In the Chestnut Tree Cafà ©, Winston sits alone at a table where no one else will ever sit. Winston wishes for social connection, but can’t find it, as he is no longer human. So instead, Winston reaches out for the closest thing he can when â€Å"as though for reassurance he looked up at the imperturbable face†(263). Some people may say that this action shows that Winston is still human because he is looking and longing for social connection. However, during work when Winston is faced with the chance to co nnect with other people, he and the others instead end up â€Å"looking at one another with extinct eyes†(263). Winston cannot connect to anyone else, through telescreens, work, or even just everyday life. A Non-Human Existence :: Analysis, Winston Winston defines being human as having feelings, following sensory pleasures, and staying true to those two types of emotions because, â€Å"only feelings matter†(146). He also asserts that before the Party when people had individual relationships and â€Å"members of a family stood by one another† they were human (26). Winston’s deadened senses as well as his social disconnection, and the lack of import in his daily life after he leaves the Ministry of Love indicate that he has not achieved his goal of staying human. Winston is very desensitized after he leaves the Ministry of Love, making him inhuman. In the Chestnut Tree Cafà © Winston â€Å"took up his glass and sniffed it†(262). This action shows that he has lost the ability to be sensitive to smell. When Winston picks flowers for Julia, he notices â€Å"their faint sickly scent†, but when he sniffs his gin he doesn’t register any scent, he just â€Å"sniffed†(104, 262). Also Winston describes his gin as becoming â€Å"more horrible with every mouthful†(262). Although Winston registers and considers the taste of the gin, he doesn’t take pleasure in the taste, and doesn’t drink something he could enjoy more. One part of being human is following sensory pleasures and Winston is clearly not basing his meals or actions on pleasure. Also, Winston’s extreme social disconnection proves that he is no longer human. Winston reflects, â€Å"no one cared what he did any longer†(262). Before his time in the Ministry of Love, people surrounded Winston all day long. He was forced to wake, stretch and go to work. He ate, worked, and talked to others. But now, â€Å"no whistle woke him, no telescreen admonished him† so his life is completely without even these connections. For example, In the Chestnut Tree Cafà ©, Winston sits alone at a table where no one else will ever sit. Winston wishes for social connection, but can’t find it, as he is no longer human. So instead, Winston reaches out for the closest thing he can when â€Å"as though for reassurance he looked up at the imperturbable face†(263). Some people may say that this action shows that Winston is still human because he is looking and longing for social connection. However, during work when Winston is faced with the chance to co nnect with other people, he and the others instead end up â€Å"looking at one another with extinct eyes†(263). Winston cannot connect to anyone else, through telescreens, work, or even just everyday life.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Social Problem

Nowadays , social problems are very serious and we should pay more attention to these problems. As a part of the community , we should be concerned about social problems. Every day we read the newspaper and get the news from media, almost every day the newspaper and the media reports are about the social problems. All sorts of social problems will appear in our surrounding , but we cannot turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. We need to find ways to solve these social problems so that the society will not be mess order.Social problems are some condition , set of events or group of persons constitutes a troublesome situation that needs to be changed or improved. Social problems are like time bomb , when it explode, it will be out of control. Social problems let us live in a pressured situation. Today’s society there are too many examples of social problems, I took a few more popular examples to explain in detail. Explain the social problems in the end how it affects the growth of ou r country and the ways of prevent to reduce the social issue. Now, we take a look at what social problems are the most popular .Firstly ,the most common and the most serious social problems in our life are gangsters. Speaking of gangsters, will make people tremble with fear. Gangsters are not limited to age, previous may be older establishment gangsters, now both primary and secondary schools also have a group of students create a own gangster within the school. They will require students to pay a protection fee , if students do not, they will use means to force students pay protection money . Gangsters may intimidation , harassment and find someone to hit the student until the student willing to pay money.As long as someone offended gangster boss or brother, the man must not be at peace. Gangsters will send someone to give warning and told the man who is the stronger one. Gangsters also smoking , fighting , make trouble and provoke others everywhere. In short , they do any bad thin g, also bully the weak . New gangs also never lost on the old gang . Next, the gangs will cause the growth of our country to have a negative impact . These will be brought to the community a lot of unnecessary trouble and fear. So that the country would be in a very unstable state.People in other countries will be disappointedin our country, they are afraid to trade in our country and the economic will downturn . Just so that our country is greatly losses and enough to affect the development of the country . Moreover , there are several ways to prevent the establishment of gangs . The first step is whenever you see someone organization gangs immediately alarm . Second is counselors to counsel these kids . Also let the parents pay more attention to children’s behavior and trends ,and more concern for children .The second problem is traffic jams , in our country always occur the traffic problems especially during the peak time are often traffic jams . I often think that our cou ntry really is so many cars ? Our country has many public transport can ride like bus and LRT . In the end is too rich or people do not want to take the public transport with others or they do not want wake up early to catch the bus and LRT . In my observation , most of the vehicles are driving one in the working hours . And a family is more than owning a car . When there is the festival season , have long queues of vehicles on the road .People are required to spend half a day in the car ,it's really a headache . Apart from that ,this problem makes our country's poor reputation when it comes to the transportation. Foreigners evaluation of our traffic is low. Affect the ranking of our country is seriously lagging behind . This is enough to affect our reputation severely damaged . Following that ,have a problem we have to go to solve . The solution of a traffic jam is government can greatly promote the public transport and explain the advantage of using public transport .If just your colleagues or friends to the same place , that simply driving a car is enough or everyone turns driving their own car with a colleague or friend . As long as people are willing to comply , then the problem can be solved . The third problem that I think need to be paid more attention to is illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants mixed the name suggests is that there is no approved . Illegal immigrants once they are caught will suffer severe punishment or be forced to exit or leave to country they are in.If the illegal immigrants think that the country is not properly managed, these immigration will be able to sneak into our country without any fear of being caught or punished . Our country has a huge and important part of responsibility and also need to ensure that there are no problems in the country due to these immigrants. Illegal immigrants seemingly innocuous, but in fact , it hurt not to be looked down upon small . Their arrival so that people reduce jobs , because their low sala ries , better efficiency and the important one, they are hardworking than people in our country .The other is that they cause a lot of distress and they will rob and trouble . Many social chaos is manufactured or are cased mostly by them . We should immediately think of a way to solve this problem so that we are getting the security and tranquility. The checkpoint staff must strictly regulate immigration checkpointsand not to let them muddle through . People are urgerto pay very close attention to suspicious person around and if found, it has to be immediately notifiedto the police . Police and people ‘s cooperation are essential and vital to crack down on illegal immigrants.The fourth social problem is divorce which happens in every place around the world. There will be a divorce as long as there are men , women , and married . I really cannot figure out why people want a divorce and had chosen to marry . Although divorce is very easy , but the marriage is not child’ s play . Since the original thought of marriage , think of the consequences of divorce , do not impulse bad throughout life . The high divorce rate is not a good thing for a country . If the divorce rate is higher , on behalf of the people does not pay attention to the views of marriage .Marriage is a sacred thing , many people have opted for early marriage . For this reason and cause the divorce rate to improve . This country has given the impression that marriage is a failure , this once again undermines the reputation of the country . What method can reduce the divorce rate ? It is up to people to their own ideas . Government should be called on the people to not be too early marriage , early marriage has a lot of potential problems . Now , society difficult and having a family is not an easy task .Marriage gave birth to the child , if divorce the child does not have a perfect family environment to grow and will leave to childhood shadow . Ultimately suffering only child . So , th ink about it before marriage . The fifth is environmental pollution problems , this is also the community most concern . Environmental pollution refersto human discharged to the environment than its self-purification capacity of substances or energy , so that the quality of the environment to reduce the phenomena of an adverse impact on the survival and development of humanity , ecosystems , and property .The most common are water pollution , air pollution , and noise pollution . Water pollution will harm to human death and directly affect the water quality of the drinking water source then produce many diseases . Furthermore , it will constrain economic development because the industrial use of water as a raw material or washing products and directly participate in the processing of products. Deterioration of the water quality will directly affect the quality of product. Water pollution for human health , agriculture , fisheries and other sideline have largely affected the developm ent of the economy!Air pollution will affect the body health and also the impact of weather and climate . People believe that climate change may cause a variety of air pollutants , carbon dioxide has a significant role in . The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere according to the current rate of increase continues , after a number of years will make the north and south ends of the ice melting , leading to global climate anomalies . Noise pollution will damage to the hearing of the human body . The worse case can cause deafness. Noise can induce a variety of diseases .The impact of noise on sleep great , people even in sleep , hearing , have to bear the noise stimulus . It will distract people ’ s attention , leading to unresponsive , fatigue , decreased work efficiency and error rate rise . So, we must not underestimate the importance of these three pollution damaged. It must find a way to prevent . Prevention and treatment methods for all pollution is severely punish ed or give warning to them . Noise prevention measures is to minimize the sound decibel value or use sound – absorbing , sound insulation , noise barrier isolation and other measures .For air pollution is reducing emissions of pollutants and afforestation . There is also a most important is to start with ourselves . Do not throw waste , the perfect city is everyone ’s responsibility . Lastly , the way of preventing water pollution is before we drink the water , we boiled or filter it . We also can actively promote â€Å"clean production† . Clean production to change the existing unsustainable methodsof raw material and energy consumption , to encourage sustainable production using non- toxic products . Of course , our government should control our environment .Cannot just verbally agreed to without action because protecting the environment is everyone ‘s responsibility . As a conclusion , all these issues makes me feel , is social change or human nature ha s changed . Only human indifference , will bring up this society today . We can really make it cool treatment? Our society is reduced to a point where it is we want to do ? The first condition is the protection of society the people must lead by example . In fact , as long as everyone concerted effort to make a change, it certainly can . If everyone changed , then the social will peaceful . I sincerely hope we can do this !

Friday, November 8, 2019

What to do with a Bad Book

What to do with a Bad Book Weve all read them. The books not edited well enough. The books that probably shouldnt have been published. The books that made you scratch your head wondering what the author was thinking. â€Å"Life is too short to read books that Im not enjoying.† ~Melissa Marr â€Å"Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep; for your habits and character will be as much influenced ~Paxton Hood Many of my friends say they cannot put a book down without reading it all the way through, in hopes the book redeems itself. Others say they read at least half the book, giving the author the chance to find the story. Sorry, I dont have the time. It frustrates readers when we spend our hard-earned spare time, as well as the money, only to feel weve wasted both. Thats why we often wait until someone we trust has vetted it, or it hits some best-seller list because we invest. Its why we read the sample pages on Amazon or Kindle. But I have a suggestion. If you indeed are a writer with goals to improve, if you hope one day to publish a story of your own, then next time a bad book falls into your lap, read it anyway. And as you go, mark it up. You dont care if you write in a bad book. You wont pass it on anyway. Note the bad dialogue, lack of internal monologue, poor flow, shallow characterization. Cross out the character that really didnt propel the story, and embellish the setting. Add scent where there is none, and chop out the words that stood in the way of a crisp point. Highlight, write, cross out, bend pages. The book is no good anyway, right? This is where you learn more about how to edit . . . and how to write. You take this piece of crap and you make it worthy. Its difficult to edit your own work, so why not hone your skills We learn from good writing, but we can learn from the bad if we take the time to understand the reasons the bad did not make the cut.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Holy Wars

Millions of people over the course of history of the world have died because of holy wars and crusades. Religious belief systems have created more specific boundaries with attention to detail to ideology than ever before and some of these certain religious restrictions or laws have been the cause of holy wars and deaths. The Crusades were Holy Wars by European Christians between the 11th and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims, the holocaust was an annihilation of the Jews organized by Adolf hitler, and a jihad is a Muslim holy war and some Muslims kill themselves in order to harm others just for the fulfillment of their religious God or guaranteed entrance to heaven. These men and women who participate in these events believe that what they are doing is for the utmost benevolence. They believe only goodwill come out of their deed. Their simple minds disable them from recognizing the truth that their immoral actions only bring malice and evil. In the beginning of all religions, a belief structure was formed based upon multiple ideas. In religious circumstances, ideas are better to have rather than belief systems built upon them. All religions need to lift their restrictions and limitations or be more lenient. In some Muslim countries, women cannot reveal their faces themselves in public and most catholic leaders cannot have sexual relations which leads to law breaking and punishment. These boundaries just create problems, which are necessary to have in belief systems. Innocent people do not have to die because of all of the types of restrictions in any religion. These restrictions and laws need to be more flexible or lifted because wars and immoral actions can be avoided.... Free Essays on Holy Wars Free Essays on Holy Wars Millions of people over the course of history of the world have died because of holy wars and crusades. Religious belief systems have created more specific boundaries with attention to detail to ideology than ever before and some of these certain religious restrictions or laws have been the cause of holy wars and deaths. The Crusades were Holy Wars by European Christians between the 11th and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims, the holocaust was an annihilation of the Jews organized by Adolf hitler, and a jihad is a Muslim holy war and some Muslims kill themselves in order to harm others just for the fulfillment of their religious God or guaranteed entrance to heaven. These men and women who participate in these events believe that what they are doing is for the utmost benevolence. They believe only goodwill come out of their deed. Their simple minds disable them from recognizing the truth that their immoral actions only bring malice and evil. In the beginning of all religions, a belief structure was formed based upon multiple ideas. In religious circumstances, ideas are better to have rather than belief systems built upon them. All religions need to lift their restrictions and limitations or be more lenient. In some Muslim countries, women cannot reveal their faces themselves in public and most catholic leaders cannot have sexual relations which leads to law breaking and punishment. These boundaries just create problems, which are necessary to have in belief systems. Innocent people do not have to die because of all of the types of restrictions in any religion. These restrictions and laws need to be more flexible or lifted because wars and immoral actions can be avoided....

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analysis of The War Prayer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of The War Prayer - Essay Example He exerted all his effort to assert how the real idea of patriotism might be distorted, and at the end, result to more humanly damaging actions like war. He started his assertions, by first visualizing a scene, when people are at the stage of preparation in going to war. He described how the called spirit of heroism flew unto the air; people gathered, fully motivated and convinced that what they are going to do is a thing of great nationalistic worth. He described a festive day, wherein every people in the land are strong in their heart, that such action to wage war is something that will give honor to their country, with reminiscence of those patriots that once risk their life for nation’s sake. Such statement will surely create an appeal to everyone who thinks of the national heroes patriotic deeds. It creates persuasion to everybody, such that hastily, arrived to the decision that there is nothing wrong about war. As what he described, â€Å"...nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory which stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause...,† He attempts to show, how one person might be convince to join and support the pro-war idea. A mass campaign is done, and speakers tend to emotionally stir the hearts of people to make justifications. This justification is even made stronger once religious authorities showed and extended their support to that claimed nationalistic idea. Twain added; â€Å" the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.† All these things created impact to the society to be in coordination that war is of good cause. Those who withdraw pro-war support tend to keep quiet so that they will not be criticized by the majority that seemed to celebrate a festive day preparatory to what they

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Al Queda Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Al Queda - Research Paper Example in Laden, in May 2011 may complicate the future of the organization, it remains as one of the most dreaded terrorist group in the world with potential capacity of planning, coordinating, and executing terrorist activities in the world (Bergen, 2011). This paper will discuss the al-Qaeda terrorist group, its brief history, where it is located, what kind of activities they do, how they fund their activities, and what kind of attacks they do. The history of al-Qaeda can be traced to the uprising against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. During this uprising, there were thousands of volunteers from across the Middle East who came as mujahidin to Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda grew to be a more formidable organization in mid- 1980s; Osama bin Laden was the prime financier of the organization and he oversaw recruiting of Muslim from mosques across the world (Chaliand and Blin, 2007). The organization was able to bring together a mujahidin that numbered in thousands and was important in defeating Soviet forces against occupying Afghanistan. After successfully defeating the Soviets and prompting their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia, his native land. However, he was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991 because of his anti-government activities. This expulsion was instrumental to the rise of al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden established al-Qaeda’s headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan (Bale, 2006). The group orchestrated terrorist attacks against American interests and servicemen in Somalia. Bin Laden issued a declaration of war against the United States in August 1996. The organization forged alliances with other radical groups with the view of bolstering its capacity to fight America’s interests and the Jews. Since then, al-Qaeda operates as a network that is comprised of radical Sunni Muslim movement, stateless and multinational army. It calls for a strict sharia law interpretation and global Jihad (Atwan, 2006). It is important to note that while